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BY-LAWS OF THE Martensville Youth Football Organization

Article I. Location 

Section 1. The Martensville Youth Football Association is located at Box 1977

Martensville, Saskatchewan

Section 2. The Maddog clubhouse,  spotter’s Booth and all equipment & contents are property of the Martensville Youth association, Maddogs club. 

Section 3. The Maddog organization pays a fee/player for field maintenance. 

Article II. Objectives

 Section 1. The Martensville Youth Football Association (hereafter referred as Maddogs Football), was founded to promote and sponsor a youth football program from ages 6 to 14 that promotes teaching football skills, teamwork and sportsmanship and a love for the game of football. 

 Article III. Government 

Section 1. The Association shall consist of the following officers: 

a. President

 b. Vice President 

c. Treasurer

 d. Secretary 

e. Fundraising


The above officers shall be nominated and elected in February of each year and shall be known as the Executive Board. Any person running for an office on the Executive Board must be a voting member of the Board of Directors for at least 1 year. 

Section 2. The League Representative (SMF Rep) and Alternate League Representative shall be selected at the November meeting. The Board of Directors shall elect an Executive Board from its own membership. 

Section 3. Any person not participating on the Executive Board or on the Board of Directors shall be deemed a general membership. General members shall receive voting rights upon attending three (3) out of four (4) (with an excused absence) consecutive meetings (being allowed to vote at the third attended meeting). A voting general member shall have all voting rights in the Association concerning all matters excluding changes to the by-laws and election of the Executive Board. Any General Member that misses three (3) or more consecutive meetings (unexcused) shall be required to regain voting status in accordance with this section.

 Section 4. No member of the Executive Board shall hold more than one office at the same time on the Executive Board. 

Section 5. By-law changes: 

a. Proposed by-law changes must be submitted in writing at the November meeting.

 b. After review of the proposed changes, the proposed changes will be voted on in February at the AGM.

 c. Once a player registers for the fall flag or tackle program they are eligible to vote at the AGM. Only 1 vote per family is allowed. 

 d. By-law changes require two thirds (2/3) of the membership present to pass.

 Article IV. Duties and Powers of the Executive Board 

Section 1. The President shall be the chief officer and preside at all meeting, and shall vote only to break a tie.

Section 2. The Vice President shall act in the absence of the President and shall perform such duties as assigned by the President. In the event of the death or inability of the President to perform their duties, the Vice President shall become the President and an election will be held for a new Vice President at the next monthly meeting. Election for president will take place at the AGM. 

Section 3. The Secretary shall perform such duties as are incidental to the office, keeping minutes of all meetings, act as corresponding secretary, and also perform such duties assigned by the President. This will also include applying for annual Lottery Grant. The secretary is also in charge of registration and will work with the treasurer to make sure all registered players have paid all fees.  

Section 4. The Treasurer shall keep the financial records of the Association. The Executive Board has the power to write and draw checks on the Association’s funds to pay approved expenses.

 a. The Treasurer shall have signing authority and will require one other signature from the secretary or president. 

b. The Treasurer shall bring/provide a copy of the financials to each meeting. 

c. The Treasurer must present a copy of the annual budget (performance vs. budget) for the upcoming year at the beginning of the fiscal year to be presented at the November meeting and AGM in February.

 d. The Treasurer must get the books audited every year with the fiscal year ending November 30. 

e. The treasurer is in charge of refunding volunteer money at the awards day. Cash is given out as the refund and it takes 2 signers to withdraw the money for these refunds.

f. The treasurer will receive a sum of 500.00, issued at the end of their fiscal 1 year term November 30. 

Section 5. Fundraising coordinator will be responsible for applying for the lottery license, printing raffle tickets, purchasing prizes, making the draw, and dispersing tickets. They will submit the follow-up report with Sask Lotteries. 

Section 6. In case of death or inability of any officer, except President, to fulfill their office, the Board of Directors may temporarily delegate the powers and duties of such officer to any member of the Board of Directors whom it may select. An election for the open position must occur as soon as possible, but no later than the following monthly meeting.


 Article V. Duties of the Board of Directors

 Section 1. The Board of Directors shall consist of all those Executive Members that actively participate or hold a Committee Chairperson position on one or more committees established by these by-laws. 

Section 2. Facilities/ Fields shall be responsible for the maintenance of the clubhouse, spotter’s booth and football field.  They will coordinate the painting of the field at least 3 times per season. This committee shall also be responsible for the selection and acquisition of approved equipment and maintenance of the equipment required to maintain the playing fields. 

Section 3. Coaches Advocate will contact coaches and relay any concerns to the president first and then to the executive. The coach applications will be submitted to the Coaches Advocate.  They shall screen potential candidates for football coaching positions.  Their recommendations for Head Coaches for tackle teams will be submitted to the Executive Board before the April meeting for approval by the Executive Board. 

a. All head coaches, must submit their letter of application to the coaches Advocate by January meeting for the Spring league and March for the Fall tackle league.

b. The names of the candidates will be announced at the February meeting. Any opposition of a candidate must be submitted in writing and given to the President or Vice President by February 28th. These opposition letters will then be turned over to the coaching committee for consideration. All written opposition will be kept in strictest confidence.

 c. Once coaches are voted on, they must submit a list of assistant coaches to the coach advocate. This list must be approved by the board. 

d. All coaches will be required to take the Safe Tackle and Respect in Sport online courses.

 e. While the Board has approval of the coaching positions, any Board member in consideration for a coaching position must remove themselves from any possible vote.

 f. All head coaches will be on the Board of Directors once meeting voting requirements are met. 

g. All coach positions are appointed for one season unless they resign or they are removed by the coaching committee due to opposition letters per Article V, Section 3, subparagraph (b), or they are expelled from the Association through the Grievance process. See Article IX. 

h. Should any head coaching position become vacant, for any reason, including the creation of an additional team, head coaching candidates must follow the formal selection process as indicated in Article V, Section 3, subparagraph (a-g). This process will not be bound by the indicated in Article V,

 Section 3, subparagraph (a-g), but will commence immediately after the coaching vacancy is reported or created. 

 k. All coaches, managers and anyone in contact with youth players must submit a criminal record check. These will be submitted to the secretary. 

l. The coaching status of any coach receiving 2 or more concerns from parents, will be reviewed by the board. Once a coach is removed, his coaching status must be voted on before receiving another coaching position. The advocate takes these concerns to the president who will first explore the issues before the executive votes. 

Section 4. Team  Managers 

  1. Managers will work closely with coaches to communicate with parents the coaches’ wishes, practice schedule, meetings etc.

  2. Managers of the Pee Wee and Bantam teams will include and communicate with each other during the season as to the happenings of their respective teams.    

c. Mangers will register parents on the up to us website for communication.  They will also inform parents of the Maddogs website and Facebook page. 

d. Managers will ensure all coaching staff submit criminal record checks.

e. Managers will disperse raffle tickets and collect them before the draw date.  They need to be submitted to the fundraising committee.

f. Mangers are in charge of getting parent volunteers for home games. If the commitment is not followed through with, they must communicate with the treasurer as to who does not receive a refund at the end of the season. 

 Section 5. Player Equipment Committee shall be responsible for the inventory, storage, and repair of all playing equipment, and shall make recommendations to the Board of Directors regarding the ordering of new equipment needed.

 Section 6. Clothing Committee All moneys collected from the sale of shirts, mouthpieces, or any other item must be turned into the Treasurer with a deposit receipt. 

Section 7. Concession Committee shall be responsible for the operation of the refreshment stand.

 a. Referees, announcers and athletic trainers shall be given food and drink upon their request.

 b. The chairperson of this committee shall be given an initial amount of money, to be determined by the Executive Board, for the purchase of needed goods prior to the first game of the season.

 c. Chairperson shall get a float from the treasurer before the first home game. Moneys shall be given to the treasurer after each game keeping a float of 100.00.

 d. Chairperson shall keep inventory and restock items as needed. 

e. Chairperson shall keep a sign in book for volunteers and ensure the sign in and sign out. 

Section 8. Announcing and Ambulance Committee shall be responsible for obtaining the equipment and announcer for each home game with the purpose being to provide play-by-play commentary for home games. This committee as the responsibility to see that our national anthem is played prior to each home game and securing the team rosters from both teams. 

  1. This committee shall be responsible for notifying the medical crew prior to all home games to insure their presence. 

Section 9. Awards Committee 

  1. Is in charge of providing a list of awards to coaches 3-4 weeks before end of season. 

  2. Communicates award winners to the engravers (Bazaar Novelty) and orders trophies needed. 

  3. Booking a facility for awards day. (Valley Manor Gym).  This date is usually second week of November. 

  4. Is in charge of picking up trophies and placing shields on the plaques of award winners. 

  5. Setting up the facility for awards 1 hour prior to event.

  6. Printing a program for the event. 

  7. Returning plaques to the clubhouse afterwards. 


 Section 10. Publicity and Website Committee

  1. This committee shall be responsible for public announcements, newspaper releases, and any associated activities that advertise activities or promote the Association’s activities.

  2. Update website and open registration days. Fall- March 1 opening date. August 15 closing date. 

Article VI. Voting Rights 

Section 1. Each member of the Board of Directors or General Member, who maintained their voting privileges, in attendance at a meeting shall be entitled to only one (1) vote. 

Section 2. The President may vote only to break a tie vote. 

Section 3. The affirmative vote of the majority of Board Members and General Members present shall be necessary for the passage of any resolution at the AGM

Section 4. Excused member must notify the president of their absence from a meeting. 

Article VII. Membership 

Section 1. General membership shall be considered to be all parents and/or legal guardians of registered players and/or any member of the surrounding community that shares an interest in volunteering with the organization.  

 Section 2. Players are restricted by age and weight requirements of the Saskatoon Minor Football League or any other league that the Association may be a member of at that time. 

  1. Players are required to have the signed permission of their parents or legal guardian before participation in the Association’s football program. 

Article VIII. Fiscal Year and Financial Reporting Section 

1. The budget year begins December 1 and ends November 30 of the following year.

Section 2. The retiring Treasurer shall prepare an account of operating expenses and financial balance for the previous year and present it at the January meeting to the Board of Directors for approval. 

Section 3. A qualified person shall be selected by the Board of Directors as needed to prepare any financial statements for audit

Article IX. Grievances and League Rules 

Section 1. Any General Member, Board of Director Member, Executive Board Member or Coach may be expelled from the Association upon: 

a. Written charges signed by an Association Member and filed with the President or Coach’s advocate if it is about a coach. At this stage diligent effort will be made to resolve the grievance without embarrassment to either other accused or the accuser.

 b. If the diligent effort fails, then there shall be a meeting held before the Executive Board. The meeting should be carried out with minimum of fanfare and publicity keeping in mind that the best interest of the Association and its objectives. An affirmative vote to expel requires a majority vote of the  Board. Persons shall be suspended until next Board meeting so accused can bring their “case” to the meeting. 

c. The decision of the membership is final if a quorum is present. The membership may take whatever remedial action it judges to be appropriate keeping in mind the possible debilitating effect on the players, parents, and coaches. The board members at the review meeting has the right to decide what disciplinary and corrective action shall be taken. 


Section 2. The Maddog, Martensville Youth Association, under the jurisdiction of the  SMF rules, is responsible for the proper conduct and sportsmanship of its members, players, coaches, and fans. Any continuous disturbance may force a game to be forfeited at the discretion of the officials after due notification to the bench of the offending team.

 a. The players must be in the immediate vicinity of the player’s bench at all times when not engaged in active play. 

b. Only players of the team playing that game at that time shall be allowed in the area of the player’s bench. Members of the other teams are prohibited from the bench area. 

c. All coaches, assistant coaches, parents, players and will sign an acknowledgement of reading a copy of the Maddog Code of Conduct. The acknowledgement will last for the current football season, including practice and through playoffs. No Head or Assistant Coach will be allowed on the field to interact with the players unless the acknowledgement is signed. A copy of the signed form shall be kept on file by the secretary.

 Section 3. Coaches with prior approval of the majority of the Executive Board, may suspend a player for unsportsmanlike conduct or other conduct unbecoming to the team or Association until reviewed and voted upon by the Board of Directors.

 Section 4. The Association shall abide by all Martensville Youth Football by laws. A copy of these by-laws shall be made available to all members upon request, and will be posted on the website.

 Section 5. At practice, all players should be with their Head Coach or with an Assistant Coach, learning and practicing. Players have a responsibility to be on time for games and practices and conduct themselves in a respectful manner on and off the field. 

 Section 6. The Executive Board shall govern any rule not covered by these by-laws. The Executive Board will then be required to publicly announce any decision made to the general membership at the next scheduled association meeting. 

 Article X. Disbandment 

Section 1. Should the Association ever disband, all money and property accumulated by the Association, until that time, shall be held for a period of one year. If not reorganized within that year, this money and property shall be divided among the non-profit organization KIDSPORT

a. Aside from unforeseeable financial or legal difficulties, under no circumstances may the Association be disbanded. 

Article XI. Miscellaneous Provisions 

Section 1. There shall be no salaries or remunerations paid to any Association Officer or Committee chairperson except for Treasurer. 

Section 2. Parents or Guardians are required to work their volunteer hours every season.  If they do not , they forfeit their volunteer fee. 

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